We’re delighted to let you know that the release of Sage 50cloud Accounts v28.1 will be available starting from 16th May
What's new?
Here’s a quick summary of what you can expect in terms of new features:
- New – enhanced business dashboard, with customisable elements including new widgets
- New – data management tool to analyse data providing guidance on archive and/or cleanse activities
- Improved – we have made a number of improvements to support customers with saving time, providing better business insights and simplifying VAT, and much more!
Integration with Sage 50 Job costing
Sage 50 Job costing has been retired from the product portfolio, with all support being withdrawn from 01 October 2021. In all messages to date, Sage has outlined that with effect from October 2020 they would no longer upgrade the product or make improvements – which includes the integration with Sage 50cloud Accounts.
We have identified that the changes made to v28.1 of Sage 50cloud Accounts results in the Job costing solution being unable to open. Unfortunately, we have been unable to identify a suitable workaround. As Sage 50 Job costing is now retired from the Sage product range, we are not able to resolve this issue.
Whilst we always recommend updating to the latest version of Sage 50cloud Accounts, at this time we strongly urge customers not to upgrade to any version higher than 28.0 if they are also still using Job costing.